Monday, April 09, 2007

The Barge Has Moved!

Word just in from Nancy, the Hudson River Watertrail Association's Metropolitan Coordinator (who I must mention has been attending all these meetings for years due to her HRWA role - the rest of us tend to go when things get interesting, then lose track of 'em when things quiet down)- the barge has moved, everything went well, and John Krevey (the owner) is feeling good about the new location!

Thanks, Nancy, for keeping us up to date & for patiently & quietly being there representing paddlers' interests all along. Thanks, HRWA, for recognizing the need to have someone doing what Nancy's been doing down here even when things aren't so exciting.

Now looking again at the email, I see she said something about hoping people could post & share her pictures...I'd be delighted!

Photos by Nancy Brous:
a few views of the barge at the new location...

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